Cumbria Kinship Care Support

North West England
In Person

This group is led by the local authority and is open to all kinship carers in Cumbria.

When and where we meet

We meet: Monthly

Location: Both in person in Carlisle and Kendal, and online on Teams

Please email for details

Who we are

We run informal coffee mornings for kinship carers to meet other carers in similar situations to themselves for friendship, advice and support. These alternate between Kendal and Carlisle but we are also looking at other areas of Cumbria to run the coffee mornings.

We also provide training on different topics at our monthly online support groups on Teams. Recent groups have covered topics such as pupil premium, foetal alcohol syndrome, domestic abuse and self harm. Suggestions are welcome, especially if there is a topic that kinship carers would like to be covered.

We have a wide variety of support services for kinship carers. If you need any support and live in Cumbria, please contact us on

Please note – Children don’t usually attend the group. We ask that carers let us know if they need to bring children as we may be able to allow for this.

Contact details

Please get in touch if you have any questions or if you want to talk before coming along.

Name of contact: Rebecca or Sam

Contact by: Email


As this group is not part of Kinship, you will need to contact the group directly. Kinship does not take any responsibility for their activities and we do not check the information provided by the group. The group will process your personal data in accordance with their own governance structure.