South Norfolk Kinship Carers
When and where we meet
We meet: Monthly
First Friday of the month, term time only – 10am-11.30am
Location: Community Room in Morrisons, Victoria Road, Diss, IP22 4XF
Who we are
Our group is a safe space for kinship carers to come together and share experiences, get support, and make connections.
We have a WhatsApp group that allows group members to stay in touch between face-to-face sessions, and receive reminders and information. If you would like to join the WhatsApp group because you’re unable to attend the face-to-face meetings, please contact Karina and Tina.
Please note – Children cannot attend the group.
South Norfolk Kinship Carers group
Contact details
Before attending, please get in touch using the details below.
Name of contact: Karina and Tina
Contact by: Email