Midlands Kinship Group

East Midlands, West Midlands

For any kinship carers in the Midlands. Come together online each month to chat to other kinship carers in the Midlands.

White text on a navy blue background that reads: Midlands Kinship Group - Free online support group for kinship carers. To the right is a light blue map of England, with a yellow arrow pointing to the centre, and text in white above it that says Midlands.

Register for upcoming groups

Three women sitting in a living room, drinking coffee and smiling.

Tuesday 17 September 2024, 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Register here
Close-up of three men sitting in a semi-circle listening to someone talking.

Tuesday 15 October 2024, 10:30am - 11:30am

Register here

Kinship Regional Online Groups – Midlands

Welcome to the Kinship Midlands Regional Group. We meet online each month and it’s led by our team.

As a kinship carer, when you have the chance to meet with others who know what it’s like, you feel stronger for it.

The Peer Support Service is working to bring more opportunities for you to meet with other carers. To build relationships and have space to share or listen with others that get it.

We have 8 regional online groups across England to come together with others in your area.

We will be looking for carers who are attending to take over the running of the group with our support and training. If you’re interested, email peersupport@kinship.org.uk for more information.

If you don’t live in this area, here are the other regional groups near by:

If you are based in Wales, please use the group search available here.