Peer Support Group Leader - role description

Three women in hiking gear huddling together to look at something off-screen in the countryside.

Background to the kinship peer support group leader role

Funded by the Department for Education, our national Peer Support Service is helping to create a sustainable and life-changing legacy for kinship carers across England.

At Kinship we recognise the importance and impact of peer support and that peer support groups are a vital source of information, comfort, and a place to share experiences for kinship carers.

Support groups help to reduce the isolation felt by kinship carers by creating a space where they can come together and connect with others who have similar experiences. Make lasting friendships and support kinship carers in their caring role.

Group leaders play a vital role in starting new groups and growing them to reach as many kinship carers as possible.

You can download the role description below, and read about the roles and responsibilities.

Kinship Volunteer Expression of Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with Kinship. 

Please complete this Expression of Interest form and one of our team will contact you within the next 5 days. 

About you

What Happens Next
Once your form has been received (please press submit below), we will: 
  • Call you to have an informal chat about your interest in being a Peer Support Volunteer and talk through the process
  • Send you an application form to complete
  • Request your references after we've received your application form
  • Talk you through what you'll need to be a Peer Support Volunteer (including DBS checks and training)
If you have any questions, please contact us on:
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Thank you for your interest in supporting Kinship.

Fill in our expression of interest form

We’ll contact you within five working days to set up an informal chat. Our friendly team will talk you through roles and responsibilities with no pressure to commit.

Fill in the form